Contracts & Audits
Project Contract Addresses
DRINKS (Protocol/Staking): 0x677e140907da6954b4954645b4df2ffe2fa9b7fb DRINKS LP (Multisig Safe Wallet): 0x0C65a4702B4aAA50FBb6480BDd1302F4493F7c59
Project Wallets
DRINKS (Treasury): 0x5c1155b07fdd018035d781821e3d9f36e2a3ddad DRINKS (Marketing): 0xb94c0716C02060F9cfADD76e761729d577293434 Staff: 0x266ad1b5BC8A484Be97B20632A1fAf36c09b6EE7
Contract Developer (JackT): 0xbab5B268bBa1E1ED488e5C91b6df3966bC8d8EeE
Silver Membership Key Card: 0xaC256FB4e7D7D2a882A4c2BE327a031b9cE78FEE
Cocktails DRINKS - Level 1: 0x83aC9A7afD96Cee793a649DbF077096E7a74e785 DRINKS - Level 2: 0x0ca36691100c2Fd4eea945e2f18FC6564Dd3791D DRINKS - Level 3: 0x40b24C3fe65da45B1879CFad4dd57B009C876877 Wildcard: 0xe598222e2e44b35dcf5b8c24a04780c0637f25a8
Contract Audit
Smart contract audit was performed by The Stamp with an overall score of 83 awarded. This score places Speakeasy in the top 25% of all audits completed by The Stamp on any chain in 2023. To review the complete audit, click here.
Last updated